News Flash!
Newsletter 14.3.25, by Mrs Mitchell
Headteacher's Message
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13.
Dear Parent/Carer,
A very warm welcome to Bretherton Endowed Church of England Primary School. On behalf of all the children, staff and governors I’d like to welcome you to our website.
I am very proud to be Headteacher of Bretherton Endowed Church of England Primary School. It is so important to get Primary School education right. From an early age, children need to have a real love of learning, something which we aim to give all of our children from the very start of their school life. Every child must be given every opportunity to flourish, know that they are safe, unique, special and valued. At Bretherton we provide a warm, happy and safe environment where children are guided to achieve their very best.
We believe in getting it right and educate our children in a caring, positive atmosphere based upon Christian values, as detailed in our Mission Statement. Our most recent Ofsted and Church School Inspections have judged us to be ‘Outstanding’ in all areas and we work every day to provide the very best education for all. Staff and Governors work incredibly well together to offer children a wealth of stimulating learning opportunities which will challenge them as individuals and enable them to develop as a whole.
Curiosity, creativity and enrichment is fostered in every classroom in well thought out and engaging topics, tailored to children’s interests and existing knowledge. Every subject is considered fundamental and progress in all subjects in each class can be clearly seen.
Our school is interested in the whole child, equipping them for their future and providing the necessary ‘life’ skills that will enable them to make his or her unique contribution to society. Developing early reading and fluency in number, our children build on this foundation into motivated, self reflecting learners and are encouraged to be curious and solve problems. We are passionate about teaching children how to learn better, how to become responsible citizens of the world and how to live harmoniously with others.
In order to thrive in our modern world, our children show curiosity and develop resilience in order to succeed. I have a vision where every child leaves our school with a love of learning, a confidence to be curious and imaginative, is prepared to work hard and knows that success comes from a sum of their efforts. Encouraging our children to work well independently or as part of a team because they have respect for the views of others and can listen and communicate well. Children who are prepared to self reflect, improve their learning and set goals for the future. Children who are happy and fulfilled and whose talents are spotted, developed and celebrated and who get the opportunity to shine their light brightly.
Your child’s education is very much a partnership between home, school, the church and the local community. Children are more likely to flourish and reach their full potential when home and school work closely together. Our children, their families and the community are at the heart of our school and we love to celebrate their success and achievements with them. Your help and support plays a vital part in the education of your child. We are always happy to talk with you about your child’s achievements and progress. Regular newsletters keep you up to date with school activities, along with blogs on this website and we welcome your involvement in all aspects of the life of our school.
Visitors are always welcome so that you can experience our lovely school for yourselves. All visitors comment on the friendly and warm atmosphere within the school and the richness of the teaching environment. It is only by visiting a school during the school day and seeing everyone working together that the real ‘buzz’ of learning can be experienced and I would be delighted to show you around.
Should you require any further information about our school please do not hesitate to contact me.
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