Posada - the journey of Advent
Date: 4th Dec 2017 @ 5:09pm
Hosting a Posada- Advent preparations
Posada is a Spanish word that means 'inn', and is also the title for a Mexican Advent celebration in which two young people dressed as Mary and Joseph travelled from house to house in their village to proclaim the imminent arrival of Jesus and request that the newborn baby be given a room. On Christmas Eve they would re-enact a community play and bring figures of Mary and Joseph to be placed in a crib at church. This year, we have updated this idea so that nativity figures of Mary and Joseph will travel round the school community from place to place, staying at a different house every night, and finally taking their place in the school nativity for our Carol Service. This year Class 2 will lead the journey. Mary and Joseph's journey through the school reminds us that we need to make room for Jesus in our lives, homes and communities.
We provide a sheet with suggested prayers (printed on both sides!) which you can adapt or add to, as you wish. NB: Please feel free to keep one of the sheets but leave the remaining copies in the plastic folder for other hosts to use.
We would love you to share your experiences with others and would be happy for you to email any photographs or your child to write a blog to let us know how things went, who was there, what you did, what you enjoyed about having the Posada in your home etc. If we receive a pic from you, we’ll take this as permission to share it on the parish and school website.
We’ve included a Journal as part of the Posada pack so please feel free to write and/or draw a sketch in it. We really look forward to following the Posada throughout Advent and sharing its journey across our classes
Finally…. Hosting the Posada can be an opportunity to share our faith with family and/or friends/neighbours but, above all, it’s a chance to celebrate Advent and think about our journey towards Christmas. It’s as simple as that! We wish you, your family, friends and neighbours a very happy Christmas.
Although not enough days for everyone, children in Class 2 will be picked out of hat ( those that would like to ) to host the travellers. Will you welcome Mary and Joseph into your home.