Staying safe online
At this time, children are accessing the internet and social media more than ever to keep in touch with family and friends and it is vital they are accessing all these different platforms safely. We have attatched some parent guides for you to download for the main forms of communication. These guides are put together by The National Online Safety Site and offer recommendations as to what different apps offer and any dangers they may impose. Please take time to familiarise yourself with them or take a look at them on the National Online Safety website
Activity for children
You are all doing a brilliant job learning from home and the internet is a brilliant resource to help us find out facts, present our work and stay in touch with our friends. Without it, we'd all be pretty lost at the moment wouldn't we? Whether we are using computers, tablets or mobile phones, how do we practice internet safety whilst learning at home?
I would like you to create a poster showing top tips and explaining how to stay safe whilst you are learning from home, playing games or chatting to your friends from school.
You can create your poster using paper or on the computer. I have set a task on Purple Mash if you would like to use that. Make it clear, informative and factual.
Good luck and stay safe!