School Governors
Our Chair of Governors is Pam Aspden who has been on our Governing Board for over 20 years.
Her contact details are:
Mrs Pam Aspden Chair of Governors
Well done Pam for being awarded Lifetime Achievement Award from Lancashire Governor Services for their dedication and contribution to School Governance at Bretherton.
Please find attached the Governor Register of Interest Document.
New parent Governor : Mr L Mulla
Mrs A Moxham – Headteacher
Nominated Governors
Safeguarding/Wellbeing : Pam Aspden
Collective Worship: Anna Bradley
Online safety: Laurence Glew
Data: Laurence Glew
Website: Laurence Glew
Curriculum: Jeff Christie
Health and Safety: Stephen Townley
PPG: Emma Spencer
SEND: Helen Fowler
SFVS : Anita Berry
Parental involvement: Helen Fowler
Subject links
English: Pam Aspden
Maths: Laurence Glew
History/Geography : Jeff Christie
Science: Oliver Hill
RE: Anna Bradley
Computing/online safety : Laurence Glew
PHSE : Pam Aspden
Music: Anita Berry
French: Helen Fowler
PE/ Sports Premium : Anita Berry
Art and Design/ Design and Technology : Helen Fowler
Class 1 – Mrs A Berry
Class 3 – Mrs E Spencer
Class 4 – Mrs P Aspden