Parent and Pupil Feedback
We would like to thank our parents for the positive and supportive comments. Parent feedback is vital in shaping what we do and through these questionnaires and our parent forum we strive to provide the very best education for your children.
PARENT VIEW Click here to access site
Parent View gives you the chance to tell OFSTED what you think about your child’s school.
Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of your child’s school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. We will use the information you provide when making decisions about which schools to inspect, and when.
By sharing your views, you’ll be helping your child’s school to improve. You will also be able to see what other parents have said about your child's school. Or, if you want to, view the results for any school in England.
This year we adopted the OFSTED questions with our parent feedback questionnaire given out at Parent Evening in the Autumn term ( Oct 2019). We would like to thank our parents for their overhwhelmingly positive results.
Contact between school and parents
Keeping you involved
Research shows that good links between you and the school improves your child's enjoyment at school and chances of doing well. The more you know about what your child is learning, the more you can offer support.
We make every effort to involve you in your child’s education. We aim to do this in two main ways:
- by keeping you informed about how and what your child is learning – i.e. the curriculum, teaching methods, tests and exams, and changes to the education system.
- Our school website contains all up-to-date information and policies
- We arrange parental workshops/meetings throughout the year
- by keeping you informed about your child’s individual progress
Every year we provide you with two reports about your child; an interim report in the spring term and a more detailed end of year report. These reports provide information about your child’s attainment (i.e. working at, above or below age-related expectations; progress and effort). If you wish to know more specifically about the areas of strengths and development, please arrange to talk to your class teacher.
Parents' Evenings
You are also invited to attend two parent evening meetings during the year; one before just after the autumn half-term holiday and one in the spring term. At these parents’ evenings you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and discuss next steps/targets. Your child’s class teacher will also give you an outline of what your child is learning and how well they’re keeping up. You’ll be able to see recent examples of their work. The appointment will usually be for five minutes and during the early evening. If you require a longer appointment, please organise a separate appointment on a different day. Parent evening times are booked via our website or school spider app on your mobile phone nearer the time.
If you have concerns at any time during the year, about your child’s level and next steps, you must not feel that you have to wait for a planned parents’ evening. Please make an appointment to talk to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible.
Parent meetings
We have a number of special meetings for parents throughout the year, for example:
- EYFS curriculum meeting for parents of new starters (September)
- Meet the teacher ( September)
- Year 6 parent meeting (spring term)
- Year 2 parent meeting/transition to Year 3 (spring term)
- New starters' meeting (end of the summer term)
- Parental workshops (for example on phonics, spelling, or methods of calculation)
- Robinwood residential information meeting for parents
- Sex Education information meeting for parents (when requested)
Other ways to keep in touch
To keep you informed about other issues – e.g. changes to school routine/policies, dinner money, outings – these will be included in our fortnightly newsletter. However specific information about clubs or your child's class may be sent as a letter home.
Our newsletters are available to view on our website and are sent to parents via email. Please could we ask that your email information is kept upto date. A paper copy of the newsletter will be available in the school reception area.
Each term, each class teacher provides you with a class newsletter that provides information about the next topic, what your child will be learning, how you can help and routines pertinent to that class. These are available on the class pages.
School Money: We also use text messages, via the Teachers to Parents system to communicate important information – e.g. cancellation of after-school activities, school closures, reminders about events. Please talk to Mrs Carlyon, our school business officer, about how to sign up for School Money if you haven't already done so. All payments for trips, school lunches are administered through this system.
You will need to contact the school if your child is absent because of illness or a hospital appointment. If your child doesn’t turn up and you haven’t explained why, we will telephone you to ensure they are safe.
Obtaining information from parents
At the beginning of each academic year, we send out the Lancashire local authority pupil data collection form. Please ensure that this is updated when appropriate, i.e. you move house or change your mobile number. We also send out, annually, a 'home-time arrangement' form which clarifies who is allowed to collect your child. It is vital that these details are updated regularly. There is also a consent form which covers such aspects as photographs, website, social media, walking to church.
We ensure that:
- we ask parents/guardians for their contact details, including names and addresses, of all parents when they register a pupil;
- names and addresses of all parents, where known, are included in our admission register and also in pupil records and are available to the pupil's teachers;
- our school has details of who to contact in the case of an accident or medical emergency;
- contact details, including names and addresses, of all parents are forwarded to any school to which the pupil moves;
- details of Court orders are noted in a pupil's record.
- we request a copy of a child's birth certificate when they join our school