Our Spiritual Journey

Share with us our Spiritual Journey ........

Spiritual development enables people to look within themselves, at theie relationships and the wide world. It supports characteristics such as courage, hope, acceptance, strength and love so that they are equipped to face the challenges and opportunities of life in all its fullness.

It engages and sustains us in life and therafter. It develops the child's 'spirit' and character and develops the ability for children to recognise and act on the insights, principles, beliefs, attitudes and values that should influence, inspire and guide them through life.

'For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful.' Psalm 139:13-14

Some of the ways we promote spiritual development of children, staff and visitors at Bretherton are:

- offering curiousity in learning

- providing space for reflection

- offering images for reflection

- asking and answering challenging questions

- putting beliefs in to action

- creativity in approach

- appreciating the WOW!

We look to the Diocese for guidance on our journey and would like to encourage you to read the Church of England vision 2026 document. HERE

Contact the School

Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School

South Road,
PR26 9AH

Headteacher & SENDCO | Mrs A Moxham


School Office Contact:

Mrs Paula Carlyon (Bursar) | Mrs Chrissy Mitchell (Business Support Officer)


NB: All documentation is in PDF format and is downloadable, however, if you require paper copies, please contact the School Office Manager