Our Staff

The Department of Education have asked all schools to declare on their website whether any employees are earning in excess of £100 000. We can confirm that as a small rural voluntary aided school, we have no employees meeting this threshold.

Teaching Staff                                   Area of Responsibility

Mrs A Moxham                                   Headteacher, SENDCO, Assessment, Christian Distinctiveness, Curriculum, Professional Development, EVC, PE, MFL, HISTORY, Maths, RE, Collective Worship,                                                               Pupil Voice, Ethos, SMSC

Mrs Jayne Clarke                               Deputy HeadTeacher, Assessment, Curriculum, EYFS, EVC, English, Phonics, Music, Choir, School Council, Deputy DSL                                 

Miss L Hymers                                    Art, Design and Technology, Arts Council, 

Mrs S Allchurch                                  PHSE, Computing, Online safety lead, Fairtrade. Relationship Education, Equality and Diversity, Digital Leaders, Deputy DSL

Mrs A Difranco                                   Science, Geography, Healthy School, Gardening Club, 

Mrs V Glew                                        Sports, Year 6 pupil roles, Reporters


Support Staff

Mrs M Barratt                                     Teaching Assistant, SEND support, ECO, Pastoral Support. EKLAN, ELSA

Mrs D Brindle                                     Teaching Assistant, School Council, EYFS, Computing

Mrs E Moore                                      Teaching Assistant, Pupil clubs

Mrs J Vincent                                     Teaching Assistant, Pre School, Sewing,Events, PTFA

Mrs A Williams                                   Teaching Assistant, Reading, Gardening,

Mrs H Rowley                                    Teaching Assistant UKS2

Ms Jo Stringfellow                              Teaching Assistant

Mr P Duckworth                                  Teaching Assistant

Mrs P Carlyon                                    School Bursar

Mrs C Mitchell                                    Business Support Officer

Mr M Heaney                                     Site Supervisor Part Time

Ms Kate Brooks                                 Cleaner part time

Miss Helen Pimblett                           Cleaner part time


Lunchtime Staff

Mrs T Moorhouse                              Cook

Mrs J Vincent                                    Welfare Assistant

Mrs A Williams                                  Welfare Assistant

Ms Jo Stringfellow                            Welfare Assistant

Mr P Duckworth                                Welfare Assistant

Mrs M Barratt                                    Pastoral Support



Out of School Club

Mrs A Williams                                   Breakfast Playworker

Ms J Stringfellow                               Afternoon Playworker

Ms H Maughan                                  Afternoon Playworker

Mr P Duckworth                                 Afternoon Playworker

Mrs N Mangnall                                 Afternoon Playworker

Mr C Berry                                        Afternoon Playworker

Ms M Fielden                                    Afternoon Playworker


See below photographs of our staff team.

Staff Team
 Mrs Alison Moxham, Head Teacher
 P9280019.jpgMrs Jayne Clarke, Deputy Head Teacher
  P9281037Mrs Paula Carlyon, School Bursar
 Mrs Chrissy Mitchell, Business Support Officer

  Mrs Vanessa Glew,  Class 4 teacher

P9280023.jpgMrs Annabel Di Franco, Class 2 Teacher 


 P9280110.jpgMiss Lesley Hymers, Class 1 Class 3  and Class 4 Teacher, PPA Cover
 P9280008.jpg Mrs Sarah Allchurch, Class 3 Teacher
Mrs Margaret Barratt, Class 1 and Pastoral Support Teaching Assistant
P9280016.jpgMrs Debbie Brindle, Class 1, HLTA and Teaching Assistant Class 2


P9280211.jpgMrs Emma Moore, Teaching Assistant,

jo1.JPGMs J Stringfellow, Teaching Assistant and Welfare

Mrs Jackie Vincent, Class 3 Teaching Assistant, Welfare and Pre school leader
P9280013.jpgMrs Alison Williams,  Teaching Assistant, Welfare

helen 1.JPGHelen Rowley - Teaching Assistant Class 4

Mark Heaney, Site Supervisor

Kate Brooks, Cleaner

 Helen Pimblett, Cleaner

 Tracey Moorhouse, School Cook (Lancashire Catering)


Contact the School

Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School

South Road,
PR26 9AH

Headteacher & SENDCO | Mrs A Moxham


School Office Contact:

Mrs Paula Carlyon (Bursar) | Mrs Chrissy Mitchell (Business Support Officer)


NB: All documentation is in PDF format and is downloadable, however, if you require paper copies, please contact the School Office Manager