
Welcome to our Maths Page

At Bretherton Endowed we teach the maths curriculum taken from the National Curriculum in our mixed age classes using White Rose and NCTEM resources. We are passionate about children's ability to 'talk maths', have fluency in number and be able to puzzle and reason through a problem with resilence and determination. We foster a love of learning maths, and believing we are all mathmeticians.


Our focus this 2023 2024 year and our work with the Maths Hub will involve:

  • Developing oracy , vocabulary understanding and STEM sentences in classes
  • Further develop reasoning and journalling in maths to help children explain their learing
  • To investigate the teaching and use of manipulatives in each class to ensure used to support the PCA model 
  • To continue to develop expertise in all staff in relation to maths and common misconceptions and how children learn


Our overall aims for when children leave Bretherton Endowed are:

  • To develop a positive attitude to mathematics as an interesting and attractive subject in which all children gain success and pleasure.
  • To promote and develop children’s enjoyment and enthusiasm for maths through exciting, practical, first-hand learning and opportunities to explore and investigate.
  • To have access to a high- quality maths curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable, and builds upon previous learning.
  • To be provided with a variety of mathematical opportunities, which will enable them to make the connections.
  • To ensure children are confident mathematicians who are not afraid to take risks.
  • To ensure that from the EYFS onwards, pupils are confident in their understanding and application of their basic skills in number and the number system and that they build upon their prior learning at every stage.
  • To develop an ability to express themselves fluently, to talk about the subject with assurance, using correct mathematical language and vocabulary.
  • To develop mathematical skills and knowledge and recall of basic facts and the four operations
  • To be able to use this knowledge and understanding to carry out calculations mentally
  • To make use of diagrams and informal notes to help record steps and part answers when using mental methods that generate more information than can be kept in their heads
  • To have an efficient, reliable, compact written method of calculation for each operation that children can apply with confidence when undertaking calculations that they cannot carry out mentally. They will do this by always asking themselves: Can I do this in my head? Can I do this in my head using drawings or jottings? Do I need to use a pencil and paper procedure of a formal written method?
  • To ensure that the school’s schemes of work and guidelines for mathematics are taught thoroughly, systematically and progressively to all pupils by all staff.
  • To bring mathematics to life and make it real, to ensure that children understand the importance of maths in their everyday lives.
  • To develop mathematical skills and enquiry skills in a range of curriculum areas including Computing, Science, Art & Technology, Humanities, P.E., Music and PSHE.
  • To make certain that all children, particularly those with special educational needs or disability; those who are stuck and those finding it hard are well supported.

We deliver the teaching of maths through secure understanding of the curriculum and subject area. Planning Maths is a core subject in the National Curriculum. We have used the Mathematics Programme of Study: Key Stages 1 & 2; NCETM Spine Materials; Early Year Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (2021) and the White Rose Maths support materials to create a curriculum which aims to broaden the children’s mathematical understanding and is matched to the children's needs. Key areas of learning within year groups are developed with a greater emphasis on the breadth and depth of subject knowledge, providing children with the confidence to express their ideas using mathematical language and vocabulary.

Lesson design focusses on fluency, reasoning and problem solving, taking children on a journey through the concrete, into the pictorial and then to the abstract representations. This rich diet enables students to grow in confidence as they make connections in their learning and understand concepts at a deeper level.

Our children in every year group are taught to progress and achieve the following by the time they leave Bretherton:

  • Quick recall of facts and procedures
  • Fluent and competent in the fundamentals of mathematics
  • The flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics
  • The ability to recognise relationships and make connections in mathematics
  • The ability to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, understanding relationships and generalisations, developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • The ability to apply their mathematics to problems, with increasing sophistication including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

A mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations and this is the goal for our children. 

Further information on the expectations for each year group can be found on the following videos:

Overview of mathematics guidance for key stages 1 and 2



For Year 1

For Year 2

For Year 3

For year 4

For year 5

For year 6


We are fortunate to have concrete resources in each room, and we use times table rockstars throughout Class 2,3,4 and Learning By Questions, online personalised resource in class 3 and 4.

Well done to Mrs Moore and Mrs Tomkins for completing the teaching early number training with the Maths Hub in 22/23 and we have accessed 1 to 1 coaching from the Maths Hub to enhance our maths provision in reasoning. We are now in the embedding and sustaining phase of Maths Hub support. 

If you have any questions, please contact school to speak to Mrs Moxham, Subject leader. 


Annual Maths Challenge at Bishop Rawstorne

Congratulations to year 6 who represented Bretherton well in the Maths Challenges in July at Bishop Rawstorne, running first after the first section, they competed well.



Please find details on our Maths curriculum and mastery approach to maths on this page.

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Contact the School

Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School

South Road,
PR26 9AH

Headteacher & SENDCO | Mrs A Moxham

School Office Contact:

Mrs Paula Carlyon (Bursar) | Mrs Chrissy Mitchell (Business Support Officer)

NB: All documentation is in PDF format and is downloadable, however, if you require paper copies, please contact the School Office Manager