Class 4 2024 - 2025
Miss Hymers
Class Teacher Class 3 and Class 4, Art and Design, Design and Technology
Mrs Glew
Class 4 Teacher, Wellbeing and Fitness
Mrs Rowley
Class 4 Teaching Assistant, Eco Committee
Welcome to Class 4
Mrs.Glew, Miss Hymers and Mrs. Rowley,
Dear Parents,
As we approach one of our busiest terms, we hope the below information will be useful to you in supporting and sharing what is happening in school with your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch via the school office or pop in before or after the school day.
We start the term with a focus on the impact of prejudice, specifically learning about Anne Frank.
English Literacy
We continue our inspiring books with The Promise, a beautifully illustrated book which speaks of hope and the power we have to change our World. After poetry work exploring The Night Mai poeml, we will move to look at The Templeton Twins - a fast-paced, twisting, turning novel with clever child heroes, evil (albeit buffoonish) villains, a sly sense of humour and is filled with puns, word games, puzzles and even a recipe for meatloaf! The books were a gift from Year 6 and their parents last year and were chosen as one of two of the children’s favourites.
These books will inspire our writing, allow us to explore characters, setting and dialogue and will raise many topics for debate.
This term we will be focusing on decimals, fractions and percentages in particular exploring reasoning and multi step questions.
We would appreciate support in ensuring your child reads daily at home, whilst we know that nowadays there are many things that compete for your child’s attention, there is also much written about the impact of reading on their future achievement.
Whilst in school all children have a reading book and are encouraged to enjoy reading in order to bolster their awareness of a variety of writing, increase their vocabulary and expose them to different genres and scenarios. We welcome your support on reading with them, being read to and discussing their books with them.
Your child should record their reading in their reading record at school each morning. If you have a reluctant reader, please do let me know and I can provide reading material until they are in the flow of their reading book.
Whole Class Reading
We will read either our whole class novel or extracts related to our curriculum subjects daily. Every child will read aloud at least twice a week, this will be a focused read; involving class and partner discussion, quizzes and comprehension questions.
Topic Work
This term in History we will be learning about World War One through historical enquiry and examination of photographs and articles. In Geography we will be exploring the climate, terrain and crops of Columbia.
As we will be outside for PE during this term it is essential that the children can stay warm, so they are encouraged to have navy blue tracksuit bottoms and their school jumpers with their PE kits in school every day.
NB Earrings cannot be worn at any time during PE. Please ensure your child can either remove and replace their own earrings or they take them out before school on the days of PE and put them back in after school.
Homework will be sent weekly on Thursdays, we encourage the children to take ownership of their homework and attempt it independently though obviously we welcome your support and input.
In year 6 we always have one eye on preparing your children for high school and encourage them to take increasing responsibility. There may be times when your child finds a gap in their understanding, please encourage them to talk to us if they need help or it is causing anxiety. Homework is a further opportunity for children to retrieve and revise information and embed knowledge, understanding and strategies though on some occasions may also be research in preparation for something in class. Homework will be set on google classroom so it is easy for both parents and children to find.
In addition to the homework above, there will be a weekly spelling focus and list of words to learn, these words will be taught in class and opportunities to practise them provided in school. We welcome your support in learning these spelling patterns at home so that children can apply them confidently in class. The words can be learnt by using the games set on Spelling Shed, learning spelling patterns and using look, cover, say, write.
On occasion a mini homework may be sent home outside these times, if this is the case the task will take no more than 10 minutes and will usually involve completing something started in school that day or additional practice to a task found tricky.
Snack Time
Children are allowed water bottles filled with water (not juice).
Only healthy snacks or toast are allowed at morning break time.
Children can buy up to two pieces of toast at a cost of 20p each.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch at any point this year. We operate an open-door policy and are available if you ever have any concerns.
Mrs Glew, Miss Hymers and Mrs Rowley
Spelling practice:
Maths links:
French resources:
Files to Download
Class 4: Blog items
Year 6 Design and Technology 3 Course Meal, by Mrs Glew
Class 4 DT Food Hygiene and Cutting Skills, by Miss Hymers
Class 4 paint like Kandinsky!, by Miss Hymers
Class 4: Calendar items
Year 6 at Robinwood, by Mrs Mitchell
No Swimming - Year 2, by Mrs mitchell
Year 6 at Robinwood, by Mrs Mitchell