Class 4 2023 - 2024

Miss Hymers

Class Teacher Class 3 and Class 4, Art and Design, Design and Technology

Mrs Glew

Class 4 Teacher, Wellbeing and Fitness

Mrs Rowley

Class 4 Teaching Assistant, Eco Committee

Welcome to Class 4 

Mrs.Glew, Miss Hymers and Mrs. Rowley,

Welcome to Year 6. On Move up day, your children got off to a great start, delighting us with their enthusiasm, their behaviour and their maturity, I am already confident they will be amazing role models for the rest of school and Miss Hymers, Mrs Rowley and myself are looking forward to teaching them.

We know that concerns or confusion can arise from time to time - if, or when they do - please do contact us or pop in after school to see us so we can work together to overcome any difficulties.   

In English Literacy our theme this term is 'Migration and movement'.  Our first class novel will be Leila and the Blue Fox by Kiran Millwood Hargrave before we move onto Benjamin Zephaniah's Windrush Child.   These books will not only inspire our writing but also initiate many cross curricular links with Oracy and debate opportunities, Geography and History links and I hope will energise our children in their courageous advocacy.  

Our first Topic (Geography and History) is 'Maafa'  where through historical enquiry and analysis of artefacts we will be learning about Africa's past and present, the development of the slave trade, Britain's role in the transatlantic slave trade, and the causes and consequences of the European colonisation of Africa.

Homework will be set weekly on Thursdays, we encourage the children to take ownership of their homework and attempt it independently though obviously we welcome your support and input.  In year 6 we always have one eye on preparing your children for high school and encourage them to take increasing responsibility.  There may be times when your child finds a gap in understanding, please encourage them to talk to us if they need help or it is causing anxiety.  Homework is a further opportunity for children to retrieve and revise information and embed knowledge, understanding and strategies though on some occasions may also be research in preparation for something in class.  

Reading - In class the children will be reading a wide variety of genres and will be exposed to many new concepts and vocabulary but we also encourage their reading for pleasure.  The impact that 10 minutes of reading a day (perhaps before sleep or after tea) can have on a child's understanding of literacy is well documented and we will have a fantastic selection of books for them to borrow and explore.  We welcome your support on reading with them, being read to, discussing their books, and will send home some helpful tips over the first few weeks.  

P.E - A PE kit needs to be in school every day.  The trainers may be worn for outside PE, but may get muddy, please put a plastic bag in your PE kit too and a change of socks.  In the Autumn term we will be honing our athletics and our netball skills.  

Break - Children are encouraged to bring a single healthy snack for break although toast is still available to buy at morning break at 20p a slice.
Water Bottles - please do bring a water bottle, working and playing hard is thirsty work.  

Roles and Responsibilities - There are many opportunities to lead in Year 6 and each child will be encouraged to take a role in their first week.  Some roles move around termly to give as many opportunities to all as possible, others may last the whole year.  The children flourish in their responsibilities and each year some excellent ideas and suggestions are championed. 

Finally Meet the Teacher is within the first two weeks and Parent's Eve is scheduled for October but if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch. 
We look forward to the time we have with your children. 

Mrs Glew, Miss Hymers and Mrs Rowley.  


In Class 4, we will strive to:  (Class charter to follow in week 1)





Spelling practice:


Maths links:


French resources:


Files to Download

Class 4: Calendar items

CLUB : Italian Yrs 1,2 and 3, by Mrs Mitchell

CLUB : Football Yrs 1,2,3,4, by Mrs Mitchell

Toddler Group, by Mrs Mitchell

Contact the School

Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School

South Road,
PR26 9AH

Headteacher & SENDCO | Mrs A Moxham

School Office Contact:

Mrs Paula Carlyon (Bursar) | Mrs Chrissy Mitchell (Business Support Officer)

NB: All documentation is in PDF format and is downloadable, however, if you require paper copies, please contact the School Office Manager