Safeguarding Children
At Bretherton, we follow the guidace of Lancashire County Council's safeguarding team and adopt their policy.
The purpose of our safeguarding policy is to ensure every child who is a registered pupil at our school is safe and protected from harm. This means we will always work to:
- Protect children and young people at our school from maltreatment;
- Prevent impairment of our children’s and young people’s health or development;
- Ensure that children and young people at our school grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;
- Undertake that role so as to enable children at our school to have the best outcomes.
Mrs A Moxham ( Head Teacher) is the Deisgnated Safeguarding lead and Mrs J Clarke is the Deputy Safeguarding Lead.
Mrs P Aspden, Chair of Governors is the Governor responsible for Safeguarding and staff wellbeing.
HT; DHT and CoG completed Safer Recruitment training in 2022.
All staff, Governors and volunteers have annual safeguarding face to face training and are updated with Keeping Children Safe in Education. September 2022 changes have been communicated and understood by all.
Governors receive trainig to support them in meeting their statutory responsibilities in relation to safeguarding governance and checks.
Please look at the documents highlighted on this page along with our safeguarding policy which outlines our commitment to keeping children, staff and our school safe.
The DSL's meet termly for update and CPD meeting. This is minuted and consists of update of children, systems and CPD.
Every 2 years, the DSL's will receive face to face training from LCC and annually they and ALL staff will have in house training upto level 3. Our visitors, volunteers and school staff are all invited to attend. This usually takes place around April each year.
Staff meetings regularly start with a safeguarding conversation, updating staff or reviewing children at risk.
An annual audit takes place with the safeguarding Governor and the results are fed back to full governors through the safeguarding governor monitoring report. CPD is also provided for Governors in relation to safeguarding both face to face and e learning.
Bretherton Endowed seeks the guidance and support of the Local Authority Safeguarding team for advice and isin receipt of their regular briefings and updates. Andrew Hall safeguarding briefings are also accessed.
Our school records and monitors safeguarding concerns and vulnerable children and families through an online recording system called CPOMS. This package is secure and allows ALL staff to record concerns and timely actions or interventions to take place. This is monitored by the Head teacher and information and training completed by the Deputy Headteacher.