Class 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Allchurch
Year 4 and Year 5
Computing Leader including online safety
PHSE Leader
Miss Hymers
Class Teacher Class 3 and Class 4, Art and Design, Design and Technology
Welcome to our Class 3 page.
In Class 3, we are wonderfully different and unique but we fit together to make the most amazing class.
Our focus is on growth mindset and becoming more independent learners. We have great fun, love a challenge and strive to be the very best we can be.
Spring Term 2025
Class 3 have had an amazing first term and worked so hard. We welcome the children back after a restful break and a wonderful Christmas. This term is an exciting one with our Class assembly on Wednesday 22nd January and Online Safety Day in February.
Here’s an overview of the exciting learning we will be doing in the Spring term.
In English, we will start the new year by reading 'A Winter's Tale' by Angela McAllister, an enchanting story filled with rich language where we will be writing our own sequals. We then will enjoy a story called 'Baker by the Sea'- a lyrical, richly illustrated story explores a child's relationship with his sleepy seaside fishing town. The children will conclude this unit by creating a tourist brochure.
In Science, we will be exploring forces where the children will learn to identify gravity, friction and air and water resistance, as well as carry out engaging and inspiring investigations to explore how these forces work in the real world. We will then be moving onto animals including humans where we will be learning how to describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans; identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions; and finally, construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.
Geography will see us imagining that we are travelling over to South America to explore Brazil! We will be linking this to our previous work on biomes, learning more about the climate, rainfall and physical features . We will also be investigating the effects that man and climate change is having on the Pantanal which is the largest tropical wetland in the world.
We will be continuing our tropical theme in art, where we will be painting in the style of Henri Rousseau and anaysing his beautiful painting, ‘Surprised!’ The children will be creating their own jungle style painting with their choice of rainforest creature ‘hidden’ amongst the trees and grasses.
In Design Technology, we will be hosting our own Bretherton Bake Off! We will be investigating and tasting different breads before researching breads from around the world and then creating our own bread. The unit will give us a wonderful opportunity to learn more about how the flour is grown from wheat in our local farming area and also the baking skills involved in bread making.
In R.E, we will be developing our understanding of the Easter story by exploring the themes of betrayal and trust. We will be furthering our knowledge of the world faiths by exploring what they teach about forgiveness. This will be a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our own beliefs about forgiveness.
In P.E, we will be continuing to learn about invasion games through a hockey unit and also developing our agility and balance in gymnastics. The spring term will also see the Year 5’s complete their Bikeability course and learning how to cycle safely on the roads.
We can't wait to share our learning with you, so please keep a regular check on website blog where we will posting lots of photos.
Homework will be sent home on Thursdays. Each week either Maths or English homework will be set. The Maths' homework will be linked to key skills or a piece of maths work to consolidate that we have covered in class. English homework will be linked to grammar, punctuation or to consolidate work in class. We have an amazing online platform with Google Classroom so will be using this regularly to set homework.
If there is nothing in your child’s homework book, please check Classroom as homework will be set on there.
Please find documents on this page relating to our routines and the curriculum which we ensure is fun and engaging for the children.
We are currently using 'Spelling Shed' for those in Year Four and Five which enables them practise their weekly spellings both at school and home. The link to this is (This will take you to an external website)
We are all working hard to learn all our multiplication tables and related division facts for quick and confident recall. To continue this work at home, the following websites are excellent and will reinforce the work done in class.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch at any point this year. We operate an open door policy and are available if you ever have any concerns.
Mrs Allchurch, Miss Hymers and Mrs Vincent
Files to Download
Class 3: Blog items
Our Linking project trip-sing our song., by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 explore the Art Work of Jean-Michel Basquiat, by Miss Hymers
Christmas party and dinner, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3: Calendar items
Year 6 at Robinwood, by Mrs Mitchell
No Swimming - Year 2, by Mrs mitchell
Year 6 at Robinwood, by Mrs Mitchell