Class 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Allchurch

Year 4 and Year 5
Computing Leader including online safety
PHSE Leader

Miss Hymers

Class Teacher Class 3 and Class 4, Art and Design, Design and Technology

Welcome to our Class 3 page- 2023/24.

 In Class 3 we are all superheroes in training! 

We all have a superpower and we just need to unlock it! Our focus is on growth mindset and becoming more independent learners. We have great fun, love a challenge and strive to be the very best we can be. 

superhero display.jpg

Class 3 have started the year wonderfully by creating their Class Charter and making new friends.

Class charter picture.png

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Autumn  Term 2023/24

Our topic this term is linked to Lancashire and the local cotton industry. In History we will be learning all about the history of Lancashire's spinning and weaving heratage that made the North of England a power house in the Industrial revolution. We will be making learning relevant by looking at the period through the eyes of a child working in a cotton mill. Learning will be enriched trhough a trip to Quarry Bank Mill to see a real working mill and experience life in a Lancashire Mill Town.

In art we will be looking how L S Lowry was inspired by Industrial Northern England to create his artwork.  In Design Technology we will putting our learning to good use and creating a textile partchwork quilt. This will link with our PSHE unit, 'All about me' because each patchwork will be designed to tell a story about each one of us!

In Geography we will be extending our map skills by locating the world’s countries and then discovering what it would be like to jet off Reykjavik in Iceland. 

We can't wait to share our learning with you, so please keep a regaular check on website blog where we will posting lots of photos. 


Homework will be sent home on Thursdays. Each week either Maths or English homework will be set. The Maths' homework will be linked to key skills or a piece of maths work to consolidate that we have covered in class. English homework will be linked to grammar, punctuation or to consolidate work in class. We have an amazing online platform with Google Classroom so will be using this regularly to set homework.

If there is nothing in your child’s homework book, please check Classroom as homework will be
set on there.

Please ensure you check your child's Google classroom regularly as we will be posting updates and messages about learning on there. 

Please find documents on this page relating to our routines and the curriculum which we ensure is fun and engaging for the children.  

We are currently using 'Spelling Shed' for those in Year Four and Five which enables them practise their weekly spellings both at school and home. The link to this is (This will take you to an external website)

We are all working hard to learn all our multiplication tables and related division facts for quick and confident recall. To continue this work at home, the following websites are excellent and will reinforce the work done in class.


Please don’t hesitate to get in touch at any point this year. We operate an open door policy and are available if you ever have any concerns.


Mrs Allchurch, Miss Hymers and Mrs Vincent

Files to Download

Class 3: Blog items

Class 3: Calendar items

CLUB : Italian Yrs 1,2 and 3, by Mrs Mitchell

CLUB : Football Yrs 1,2,3,4, by Mrs Mitchell

Toddler Group, by Mrs Mitchell

Contact the School

Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School

South Road,
PR26 9AH

Headteacher & SENDCO | Mrs A Moxham

School Office Contact:

Mrs Paula Carlyon (Bursar) | Mrs Chrissy Mitchell (Business Support Officer)

NB: All documentation is in PDF format and is downloadable, however, if you require paper copies, please contact the School Office Manager