Church School Inspection
February 2018 SIAMS Inspection
In February, we were pleased to be awarded 'Outstanding' in all areas of our Church Inspection. It was a super opportunity for our staff, governors, parents and children to share our fantastic school and celebrate all the areas of school we feel passionate about. We were particularly delighted to read:
The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Bretherton Endowed Church of England Primary School as a Church of England school are outstanding
- The outstanding leadership of the headteacher and school leaders is rooted in Christian values. This impacts positively on the achievement of the pupils.
- Pupils are inspired by religious education (RE) and collective worship. This is due to the high quality of these areas and their place at the heart of the school.
- Pupils show exemplary behaviour due to the embedded explicit Christian values of respect, courage, humility, truthfulness, hope, friendship, compassion and thankfulness.
- The outstanding Christian character of the school nurtures the whole school community and permeates all aspects of the school’s life.
The areas that we had already started to address and will continue to develop matched our self evaluation and focused on developing our children's understanding of Christianity as a world faith and children to take a more significant role in evaluating and planning of worship.
In my first year at Bretherton Endowed, I was keen to invite our Diocese Advisor into school to review our Christian Distinctiveness and our drive for further improvement. Our Governing Body received a report to outline our strengths and agree our areas for development. We were thrilled with the outcome and will work dilligently to continue to improve our Christian journey for all who are involved in Bretherton school.
I would like to thank the Diocese for their continued support and guidance.
National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools Report
As a church school, our school is inspected by the National Society of Anglican Schools which is a statutory requirement.
We are very proud to say that we achieved outstanding praise in our last report from December 2012. The full report can be downloaded at the end of this page and some excerpts are recorded below:
“The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Bretherton Endowed as a Church of England school are outstanding.”
“The school, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding at meeting the needs of all learners.”
“The impact of collective worship on the school community is outstanding.”
“The headteacher has a clear Christian vision for the school; which is well supported by the staff, parents and governors. The headteachers’ own Christian conviction shines through all aspects of his leadership. The governors know the school well and there is a strong commitment between church, community and school.”