Spar write a pledge - year 6 entries
Date: 22nd May 2023 @ 12:12am
Such great ideas shared by Year 6 in the Spar games pledge competition.
I pledge to do my best and support everyone if they fall
I pledge find alternative like cycling or walking to school
I pledge to find the balance with the environment and my love of sport
I pledge to recycle or pass down when I can the sports ware that I have bought
I pledge that I reuse my water bottle and bring it with me to my sporting events
I pledge when I am chosen I am proud of my school that I have been asked to represent
I pledge to come together and we will try our best to save our planet
I pledge to help the animals and the places they currently inhabit
I was inspired by my love of climate change and sport,they are both things that I am truly passionate about. I enjoy standing up for what I believe in and I am not afraid to challenge opinions. Even though i’m young i’m always willing to keep trying and not give up.But that's not it I also have the same determination and passion for sport.I love running long distance it’s my favourite I have to push myself each time and I often get a stitch but the reward of knowing I kept going makes me feel proud of myself.I think when you are passionate about something the words just flow from your mouth.And that is how i feel write now. I think the future is ours so nothing is stopping us from changing it. We aren't able to go back in time but we can still stop it from getting worse, And it only takes one person to change the world.
Nancy Ellison from Bretherton Endowed school West lancashire
I promise to change my actions and help make sports greener in the following ways and to try to encourage not just people I know, but others, because I respect our planet and want to help it.
- I will reuse any plastic water bottles
- Recycle any sports equipment I don’t need
- Use less transportation
- Spread the importance of being eco friendly in sports
My pledge has been inspired by everyone, the whole
World in fact because it is changing and evolving as
you read this. It shows me that we can all make
a difference, especially when we use that difference,
towards the things we love, such as our compassion for sports.
I want our world to enjoy itself whilst we enjoy
ourselves, I want to make a positive impact on
the environment and a happy place for all.
Lucy Slater