Well done Red Admiral youth band

Date: 1st Feb 2019 @ 1:49pm

Brilliant result in the competition last weekend . 


This weekend Red Admiral Youth Band competed in the British Open Youth Championships at Preston Guild Hall. Some of our pupils were part of the band.


We were competing against some of the best Youth Bands in the country including the current European Champions, the previous years’ National and European Champions and bands that have been established for many years and have won numerous awards and contests.  Their bands tend to be made up of player who are in their late teens with several years of playing experience. 
We had gone to give our Youth Band (only put together in September) a chance to perform on stage but we really expected that even with our best performance, anything other than last place would be a bonus considering who we were up against.  Our youngest player turned 7 a couple of weeks ago and most of our players are aged between 10 and 13 with many only playing for a year or so.


They put on a fantastic performance and we actually came 4th out of the 8 bands there.  This was an amazing achievement for them, so definitely worth a mention in your celebration assemblies!

Contact the School

Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School

South Road,
PR26 9AH

Headteacher & SENDCO | Mrs A Moxham


School Office Contact:

Mrs Paula Carlyon (Bursar) | Mrs Chrissy Mitchell (Business Support Officer)


NB: All documentation is in PDF format and is downloadable, however, if you require paper copies, please contact the School Office Manager