Health week next week
Dear parents and friends,
During our last week of term, school will be hosting a theme week for children linked to ‘Health and Wellbeing’. We are really looking forward to immersing children in all aspects of health, from healthy food, nutrition, vitamins, good food plate, alcohol and drugs and mental wellbeing to fitness where we will encourage children to be active, participate and understand why fitness is essential.
We would like to thank the PTFA as they have kindly sponsored some of the events, such as Junior chefs which will be a great experience. We have Jujitzu, relax kids, peer massage, heartbeat first aid for children and many more throughout the week and our great fun and learning will be shared with you in a parents assembly on Friday 27th at 2.30.
Throughout the week, all subjects will be represented and your class blogs will update you on the timetable and share photographs as the week progresses. Maths and English will be linked to our theme and your child may come home with a pedometer to use in maths to analysis steps working with those bigger numbers. Children will be setting themselves personal goals all week and reflect on the success and progress they have made.
Because the week will be jam packed, we wouldn’t like to waste time changing into our PE kits and so would like children to come into school in tracksuits, leggings, shorts, trainers and school jumper all week with a waterproof coat every day. Our daily mile will be completed whatever the weather…. Even staff are taking part.
We are confident that this will be a informative, enjoyable and motivated week- just what you need at the end of a very busy and hard working half term. We can’t wait to share it with you at the assembly.
The Bretherton teaching team.