Class 1: Blog items
Enjoying the run, by Mrs Clarke
The Chinese dragon, by Mrs Clarke
Chinese celebrations and food tasting, by Mrs Clarke
Dragon creations, by Mrs Clarke
Chinese New Year in Class One, by Mrs Clarke
Christmas lunch day, by Mrs Moxham
Meeting Father Christmas in Class 1, by Mrs Clarke
Nativity, by Mrs Clarke
Class 1 party day, by Mrs Clarke
Class One performance for Nursery Rhyme Week, by Mrs Clarke
English-Old Bear story telling, by Mrs Clarke
Alice, by Mrs Clarke
Class 1 - Understanding stages of life, by Miss Hymers
Meeting our buddies, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 1 RE - Exploring Friendship, by Miss Hymers
A great start to year one, by Mrs Clarke
Class 1 Classroom, by Mrs Williams
Reception Fun Outdoors, by Mrs Williams
The Farm at School!, by Mrs Williams
Nature Sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy, by Miss Hymers
Praise Day 2021, by Mrs Barratt
Class 1 Art, by Mrs Williams
Celebration for Miss Hymers, by Mrs Clarke
Exploring Our Wood, by Mrs Williams
Brilliant bird cam footage, by Alison Moxham