Class 4: Blog items
Amazing science club, by Mrs Moxham
Goldentime fun playing dodgeball with Mrs Glew, by Mrs Smith
Class 4 using our new atlases, by Mrs Smith
Christmas crafts in class 4, by Mrs Smith
KS2 Christmas party, by Mrs Glew
UCLAN forensic science Christmas investigation, by Mrs Glew
Ethos Remembrance Service, by Mrs Glew
Class 4 REMEMBER, by Mrs Smith
Investigating flight., by Mrs Smith
Investigating electric circuits, by Mrs Smith
Class 4 make bath fizzers, by Mrs Smith
Class 4 make parachutes , by Mrs Smith
Class 4 investigate strong shapes and foundations, by Mrs Smith
Stone painting, by Mrs Vincent
Class 4 blasting round Bretherton., by Mrs Smith
Class 4 being very studious., by Mrs Smith
Online safety rules in year 6, by Mrs Moxham