Class 4: Blog items
Year 6 Design and Technology 3 Course Meal, by Mrs Glew
Class 4 DT Food Hygiene and Cutting Skills, by Miss Hymers
Class 4 paint like Kandinsky!, by Miss Hymers
A party for Jesus, by Mrs Clarke
Design and Technology - Beautiful Poppies from Year 6, by Miss Hymers
Class 4 Clay workshop with Kathryn Stevens, by Miss Hymers
Fabulous Benin Bronzes, by Mrs Moxham
UK Parliament Work, by Mrs Glew
Class 4 enjoy an Art session with Alex, by Miss Hymers
Amazing experience at Liverpool Philharmonic fir Class 3 and 4, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 4 fun at Robinwood, by Mrs Moxham
Year 6 Art - Bringing Kandinsky to Life, by Miss Hymers
Year 6 Design and Technology 3-course meal Project, by Miss Hymers
Amazing day for our Y5 & 6 Equality Ambassadors at the Lancashire Primary Fairtrade Conference at County Hall-Preston., by Mrs Allchurch
PE Indoor Athletics, by Mrs Glew
Class 4 visit to WW2 Experience, by Mrs Glew
Learning about pilgrimage, by Mrs Glew
Class 4 D&T Textile poppies, by Miss Hymers
Thinking about the wider world., by Mrs Glew
Thank you, by Mrs Glew
Hive Hexagons Bishop Rawstorne Collaboration, by Miss Hymers
Class 4 Chefs, by Mrs Glew
Bishop Rawstorne visit Year 6 for ArtsMark collaboration, by Miss Hymers
Science Festival at UCLAN, by Mrs Glew
Science - Looking after our environment, by Miss Hymers