Our News items

Public speaking competition , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 31st Jan 2020 @ 11:20am

Well done to Bea and Sam for their presentations in the TARDIS Public Speaking Competition. 

What an achievement 

Stockport trip Year 6, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 6th Jan 2020 @ 10:14am

Year 6 are going to Stockport on Wednesday ( Not Tuesday as the blue parent calendar. I have attached the letter here in case you need any reminder of the day.

I am sure they will have a great time.

Happy New Year, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 4th Jan 2020 @ 10:13pm

Wishing all our friends, families and children a very Happy new year. All the best for health, happiness and love for 2020. At the start of a new decade, reflect on what has gone and set in place plans for the future. Tomorrow belongs to people who prepare for it today. Have you made plans? What are your goals? Wishing you every success in achieving them. 

Lovely Church service for Christmas , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 20th Dec 2019 @ 2:36pm

Thank you to year 6 for their brilliant narrating and reception for their super acting today for our Christmas Carol Service. 

Thank you to parents for supporting us throughout the year and our dedicated and talented staff for their inspirational teaching.


Super generous donations in the Rotary shoe box appeal, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 14th Dec 2019 @ 11:06pm

Thank you for your generosity in the Rotary shoe box appeal. We collected over 35. Thank you

Choir in the community, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 14th Dec 2019 @ 11:08pm

Take a look at the gallery for more videos of our tour of our community. 

Brass concert 10th December 2.30, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 2nd Dec 2019 @ 11:27pm

Please note a change of date from the published calendar. The Brass concert will be on Tuesday 10th December 2:30 and you are all welcome to join us. 

donations to OXFAM instead of Christmas Cards, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 2nd Dec 2019 @ 11:32am

Our postbox is available for children to post their letters to their friends - just remember to write clearly the recipient's name and class so we can pass it to them.

If however, you and your child would like to make Christmas special for others less fortunate, the children have come up with an idea of donating the money to OXFAM instead and purchasing a goat or chickens to support families feed themselves long after Christmas is over.

The link if you would like to know more is:https://www.oxfam.org.uk/shop/oxfam-unwrapped/charity-gift-card/super-goat-ou9010ml

If you would like to join our staff in donating, please send your donation in an envelope marked OXFAM to the school office. We'll let you know what we have managed to arange before the end of this term.

Amazing Christmas Fair , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 9:27pm

Thank you to the PTFA and our fabulous sponsors… One Stop Hire; Glenroydes Nursery; Village Pantry and many more friends of school who donated prizes and products. 

Thanks to Toogood Farm for the hay bales, Mrs Barratt’s Aunt who made some lovely knitted tree decorations, Mr Bamford for beautiful wood turned decorations and all our cake, chocolate and bottle donations from our parents. 

A special thank you to Tasha and Naomi who grabbed the vision and made it real. We feel so lucky to have so many people , families and staff helping and hope that you enjoyed it. 

Thank you to Mrs Clarke and Mrs Williams for the choir and each and every one of you for coming and spending time with us. 


Man City game with the Lionesses, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 17th Nov 2019 @ 10:58am

We’ve arrived at Manchester for the Man City v West Ham ladies football game. VIP tour and meeting the players with West Lancs Sports Partnership. 

Man City game with the Lionesses, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 17th Nov 2019 @ 10:56am

We’ve arrived at Manchester for the Man City v West Ham ladies football game. VIP tour and meeting the players with West Lancs Sports Partnership. 

Ideas for when you’ve finished with your pumpkin , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 30th Oct 2019 @ 7:24pm

A great idea seen by Mrs Brindle for supporting wildlife with your unwanted pumpkins. Great idea!

Well done parents for Aldi stickers collection , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 29th Oct 2019 @ 8:29pm

Well done to all our parents and families for collecting the Aldi stickers. We’ve only 2 rows left! Amazing achievement for our small school. Can we complete the poster?

Well done parents for Aldi stickers collection , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 29th Oct 2019 @ 8:27pm

Well done to all our parents and families for collecting the Aldi stickers. We’ve only 2 rows left! Amazing achievement for our small school. Can we complete the poster?

Ptfa AGM tonight at 6.00, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 29th Oct 2019 @ 10:06am

Everyone welcome to the Ptfa AGM and meeting for Christmas Fair planning. We look forward to seeing you there. 

School Council going Pudsey mad for Children in need, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 29th Oct 2019 @ 10:04am

Thanks to the school council for organising posters to advertise a design a Pudsey bandage for 50 p to be sent in by November 13th. 

Can’t wait to see your designs. 

Online Safety Message for KS2 children, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 24th Oct 2019 @ 6:58pm

Just to keep you updated with the most recent information regarding online apps your children may be accessing, I have attached a link to the website that can help you monitor your child's access to 'Tik Tok'. Net aware are a great site for parents to use to keep them upto date with recent games and online risks.


Please take the opportunity to chat to your child about their online experiences. 

Thank you

Education awards 2019, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 19th Jun 2019 @ 7:54pm

Congratulations to Grace for being Highly Commended in the Outstanding Sports Award, Mrs Barratt for being recognised in the Health and Wellbeing Award and was Highly Commended.

Finally, Mrs Hudson for Unsung Hero Award. Well Dond for your Higjly Commended Award. 

Well Done Aaron, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 10th Jun 2019 @ 10:01am

Congratulations to Aaaron for representing Blackburn Rovers and whilst having a great time, they managed to win the tournament beating Brussia Dortmund in the final 4-2

What a star!

Congratulations for raising funds for the Royal British Legion, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 8th May 2019 @ 7:57pm

Congratulations to all at Bretherton Endowed school as we were awarded an outstanding achievement award named after Mr Michael Turner who visits us each November to tell us about the wars and why we should remember the wars through the symbol of the poppies. He came to present our award yesterday as we came 4th out of 52 schools- a great achievement. Well done to the school council! 

PTFA request - vote for school for free Lancashire Festival tickets, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 5th Apr 2019 @ 7:30pm

Please vote for school using the following link.


Many thanks 

Well Done Fred and Aaron- GA Food, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 21st Mar 2019 @ 9:18pm

Congratulations to Fred and Aaron for winning a competition after their visit to GA foods last month. £10 book tokens are heading your way!

Red Nose Day this Friday, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 13th Mar 2019 @ 5:32pm

There are a growing number of schools in the Country contacting parents and carers and suggesting that they do not buy ‘Red Noses’ to support the Charity Event this coming Friday due to the high focus on plastic pollution. With Sir David Attenborough raising awareness of the environmental impact of plastic pollution through his BBC Blue Planet programme, some may feel that the noses are another form of unnecessary plastic that will probably end up in landfill. We would still wish to support this great charity but are happy to suggest that if you too feel this is important, your child could bring a donation into school that will go 100% to the charity, and either paint their own nose before coming into school or at lunch time, we could paint their nose red using face paints. It is NOT a non uniform day this week- it is still full school uniform. 

Look at our new library are- The Wilson Suite has a new life, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 7th Mar 2019 @ 12:54pm

Take a look at our new reading area in the Wilson Suite. Children have been involved in designing our new area and have loved trying it out in advance of World Book Day.

World Book Day Friday 8th March , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 3rd Mar 2019 @ 4:30pm

We're looking forward to our World Book Day on Friday 8th March 2019. Not just a day when we dress up, share our favourite books and talk about authors but a great week of activities. It is only one part of a huge focus on reading and writing and the children are loving it!  Ask your child when and where they enjoy reading? Ask them what was the last book they read and enjoyed? Why?

We promote reading across the whole school and enjoy watching our children and their joy at reading!

Contact the School

Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School

South Road,
PR26 9AH

Headteacher & SENDCO | Mrs A Moxham


School Office Contact:

Mrs Paula Carlyon (Bursar) | Mrs Chrissy Mitchell (Business Support Officer)


NB: All documentation is in PDF format and is downloadable, however, if you require paper copies, please contact the School Office Manager