Our News items
Choir in the recording studio, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 17th Jul 2023 @ 10:29am
Well they are ready for a great session in the Rock Hard Recording Studio. Amazing prize - memories made forever.
British Commercial Vehicle Museum, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 16th Jul 2023 @ 10:09pm
Check out the local events over the holidays.
Congratulations to our Year 6 for their SATs results 2023, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 10:54pm
Thank you to year 6 for their hard work in preparation for the SATs and their results reflect this. I am proud of the staff and children for their achievements.
I have attached the information in relation to the National Data of this year's KS2 SATS results and a comparison to our school.
If you have any questions about the results, please contact school.
EXS - Expected standard
GDS - Greater Depth
KS 2 SATS Results Bretherton Endowed and National 2022/2023
subjects |
2023 Sats scores % |
This year national % |
School average scaled scores |
National average scaled scores |
Reading EXS |
94 |
74 |
108 |
105 |
Reading GDS |
41 |
28 |
na |
na |
Writing EXS |
82 |
69 |
na |
na |
Writing GDS |
35 |
13 |
na |
na |
Maths EXS |
94 |
71 |
107 |
104 |
Maths GDS |
29 |
22 |
na |
na |
88 |
72 |
107 |
105 |
29 |
28 |
na |
na |
Combined EXS |
94 |
59 |
na |
na |
Combined GDS |
5 |
na |
na |
na |
Celebration of Life- Daisy Mae Morrison, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 28th Jun 2023 @ 1:19am
For our school family. We miss Daisy Mae and her smiles.
Press release due in Lancashire Post, by Mrs Clarke
Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 6:48pm
Lancashire wide primary school 'Last Choir Singing' competition has successfully completed its seventh year.
The Last Choir Singing Competition, featuring hundreds of Lancashire’s best young singers, had its 2023 Grand Finale on Friday 16th June.
The finale was held at King Georges Hall, Blackburn, featuring ten finalist schools from across the county, including Chorley, Burscough and Fleetwood.
This year the competition had 31 schools taking part in the heats, that were held in March 2023 at various venues across Lancashire. Following the heats, 10 schools made it through to the grand final.
In the final, each choir sang a set song followed by a song of their choice, which were judged by three independent judges; all of which are experts in the music industry.
This year, Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School, took the County Final Winners trophy home, and will receive the grand prize of day in a professional recording studio, where they will be able to record their winning songs. This was the first year that Bretherton had entered the competition and where delighted to take home the winners trophy.
Jayne Clarke, Deputy Head and Choir Leader at the school said “We are so proud of the children in Bretherton Endowed Primary School Choir who shine each day and express themselves through music. The passion of the children, who truly believed in themselves and each other, helped them achieve their dreams and be inclusive to all”.
The first runners up were Alston Lane Catholic Primary School, Longridge and second runners up were AKS Lytham Preparatory School, who will receive cash prizes of £250 and £150 respectively.
Meanwhile St Patrick’s RC Primary School, Walton Le Dale won Best Newcomer and Coppull Parish Church School won the Angela Carson Award.
Local businessman George Critchley, who founded The Last Choir Singing, said: “This year we had five schools making it through to the Grand Final, who had entered the competition for this first time this year. Out of those five schools four of them won trophies, including Bretherton who won the overall competition. Its magnificent after seven years to see new choirs still wanting to enter. All the schools who have taken part this year have been fantastic. The choirs have given it their all and should all be so very proud of themselves. We are already excited to start planning the 2024 competition”.
The 10 finalist schools were Park Primary School, Colne; Alston Lane Catholic Primary School, Longridge, AKS Lytham Preparatory School, Anchorsholme Academy, Thornton Clevelys, Norbreck, Thornton Celvelys, Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School, St Patrick’s PC Primary School, Walton Le Dale, Coppull Parish Church School, Chorley, Lordsgate Township C of E Primary School, Burscough, St Mary’s RC Primary, Osbaldeston and Park primary School, Colne.
The 2024 Last Choir Singing competition will be open for entries in September 2023.
If you would like to know more about the Last Choir Singing, have a look at the website or follow the Facebook page.
Winners of the Last Choir Singing, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 18th Jun 2023 @ 8:20pm
Congratulations to Mrs Clarke and the choir for coming first in the Last Choir Singing competition on Friday at King Georges Hall. A wonderful efffort and amazing evening.
Our wonderful sports day 2023, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 21st May 2023 @ 9:58pm
Take a look at our aerial view of sports day. It was a great day. Thanks to staff, children and families.
Newsletter 18.5.23, by Mrs Mitchell
Date: 18th May 2023 @ 11:20am
Thank you for reading our Newsletter.
Newsletter 5.5.23, by Mrs Mitchell
Date: 5th May 2023 @ 1:23pm
Thank you for reading our Newsletter.
Tribute to Tommy, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 4th May 2023 @ 10:11pm
I was asked to speak at Tommy's funeral at his request, to outline his involvement in our school. It was a moving and celebratory service and I know that he would have been happy with everyone's kind words. Staff would like to say thank you too for your kind words and understanding. He was a huge part of school but we are confident and determined to continue to work hard and balance tradition with the future our children will be navigating. We are looking forward to doing well what we do hereafter.
Celebration of Life 3 5 23
When celebrating the life of Tommy, it is right that we spend some time outlining his involvement with Bretherton Endowed as he was a huge part of our school. I would like to start with his involvement in his own words. He asked that I share with you that he was our school manager for 38 years and a Chair of Governors for 22. However, Tommy’s involvement in Bretherton Endowed, permeated far wider than that- in that there wasn’t one part of school life that Tommy’s contribution didn’t reach. Throughout those years, a huge number of staff have been colleagues and friends and hundreds of children and their families have got to know him. And so many staff and families past and present were proud to call him a friend.
Tommy had an amazing memory and knew Bretherton Endowed inside and out. This was a source of support and enabled him to give advice to the leaders and staff in school. When he worked in the office, his organisation and attention to detail was noted. Organising registers, ordering dinners, answering the phone and he knew all the procedures well. He was an asset to school. He took on every role and through the office, he was connected to our families and children. He was held in such high regard. He volunteered in the office even when he had retired, so we bought him a polo shirt with our school logo to match the staff. He was so pleased and wore it with pride when he was in. He took every job seriously, even ‘strimming’ paper ( which was actually shredding but we never wanted to correct him). He was spoilt by our school cooks with a flurry of cakes or biscuits being sent to the office when he was in. He’d reply ‘ Oh I shouldn’t …… but maybe I could have one now and take the other ones home’. He had a great sense of humour and although he was professional in his roles, he was always happy to laugh along.
Tommy was inspirational, in the way that he embraced the ever changing climate of education. Nothing seemed to phase him, and there was no better example of this than accessing zoom meetings in lockdown. Although he’d remind me all the time that he’d ring me because he doesn’t do texts, throughout this challenging time in school, he took time to enquire weekly about staff, pupils and families in our weekly phone calls. One positive thing National Lockdown left us was videos of Tommy recording prayers for our pre- recorded worships – we are blessed to have them and it will be a comfort to us to hear his voice continue within the walls of our school.
I met him as Chair of Governors and he guided me, along with many heads before me through headship. What he didn’t know about school, wasn’t worth knowing and he was happy to spend time with us and share it. He was prepared to make tough decisions and steered school through some challenging times. Overseeing building work and many changes in staff. He would think nothing of representing school in local authority appeal meetings for school places and I always found Tommy to be a good judge of character and was very astute. In our admissions committee, his knowledge of Bretherton was invaluable – knowing all of the parish and often many of the families.
His special prayer at the start of governor meetings guided us in our mission and I can count on one hand, the number of meetings he couldn’t attend. He kept detail records of governor terms, chaired committee and always kept our clerks on their toes.
He was no stranger to accolades as he was presented with the Community Education Award of the North West, Unsung Hero Award at the Charter Theatre for his work in school where he was shortlisted out of 427 entries. I wrote then, ‘Tommy encapsulates our Christian ethos, and we cannot imagine school without him. His legacy lives on in our sporting commitment to cricket and his involvement in leading our great school as Chair of Governor.’ In 2021 he was awarded a lifetime achievement award from Lancashire County Council for his commitment to Governance. As a result, I spoke to him about naming a Year 6 award after him and whether he would like to present it. There was no question in his mind that it would be presented to a year 6 pupil for their contribution to school sport. He enjoyed picking out the trophy and knew exactly what is should say.
He often talked of how proud he was of having the Wilson Suite named after him and had the biggest smile when showing parents around that part of school, sharing his history with them.
The children in school loved him. We knew when he was in the building as we’d hear ‘Hey Tommy, how are you?’ from a year 6. They were always excited to talk to him, read with him, get his chair ready for worship and play cricket with him. Testament to this was the way that through lockdown on the daily allowable walks, children past and present would walk past his house to give him a wave and he said it made his day. In fact, he has been part of our history curriculum for many years with children in class 2 interviewing him on what life was like locally when he was a boy. Children would listen attentively as he recounted his days in the shop and what school was like back then. He attended residentials and school trips, and I heard stories of him screaming on the Big Swing at Robinwood. Every year, he’d write a letter to Year 6 to encourage them to do their best before SAT’s and at the end of the year, he prepared carefully his speech for the leaver’s assembly, taking time to comment on their hard work and sporting success. They knew him well by the end of year 6 and I know his words meant so much.
We have already heard of his love of cricket and he was a fabulous role model for children on how when you have a passion and work hard, you can achieve great things in the sport you love. His cricket legacy in school was measurable by the trophies in our cabinet and we will ensure that it continues. Coming in weekly to coach the team at lunchtimes or after school and attending all the cricket events at the weekend, scoring with Mrs Vincent at many events over the years. One memory shared was of Tommy accompanying a new staff member and our cricket team at Albany High school where he attempted to teach them how to score the match- with endless patience. He was a talent spotter and children always wanted to impress and improve their game for him. His praise was genuine and his coaching was purposeful. Latterly, he coached our indoor bowling team, and attended on school’s behalf.
We have fond memories of celebrating his 80th birthday in school when Tommy and Barbara and family were the guests of honour. It was an opportunity to show him how special he was to our school family. This prompted the LEP to write an article and he was so surprised and thrilled when the reporter knew who he was and knew of his book.
But Tommy was also happy, socialising with staff and I know that I speak for all who worked at Bretherton, that these moments often have formed the greatest memories. Memories shared include him showing off his dancing at the Governors Ball, being Santa at the staff’s secret Santa event, coming on staff do’s and at our staff Christmas meal last year, he was invited to dance and he responded by laughing ‘It’ll have to be a very slow one’.
Even though he had a busy diary, Tommy was always willing to attend school and parent events, and would relish speaking to our new parents each year. When I asked each time, he would say, ‘yes I’d like to say a few words. Then at the event, he’d produce a tiny piece of paper that he had written his notes on before speaking confidently to them for 10 minutes. I enjoyed hearing him recount his story of his connection to Bretherton and our school and it’s with great joy that so many families also heard this.
He would attend our Easter, Christmas and Harvest worships in church and would take the opportunity to thank the staff for their hard work. He relished the role of wellbeing governor and spent time genuinely listening to staff’s views and acting to make a difference. Sports Day was a firm favourite with him scoring the children’s finishing places and he always had reserved seats for our productions.
He approached the PTFA events in school with the same professionalism that we knew to expect. He was invited to lead the PTFA AGM each year and when asked to light the Christmas Fair Christmas Tree lights with Santa, he asked ‘How long should I talk for?’. It made me smile to see him reading from his notes and relegating Santa to just the countdown. One of his favourite school events, after Cricket competitions, was our whole school Christmas lunch. Our special visitors and staff sat on the ‘Top Table’ and Tommy would sit right in the centre –enjoying spending time with school friends and watching the children having fun.
And who could forget our wonderful Bingo caller. For many years with his wife, Barbara ably assisting, they welcomed so many families to the event. In a typical Tommy way, he conscientiously bought the bingo cards, separated the books, prepared the float and even brought his own bingo machine. It has left us with great joy, that we could share our Easter Bingo and his bright sparkly waistcoat one last time with him this year.
Tommy is woven within the fabric of our school - his presence in school will be missed. It is said that some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts so that we are never ever the same. Thank you Tommy for this is you. You treasured your involvement with Bretherton Endowed and we are all indebted to you for your time, support, expertise and friendship over so many years and we hope that you know how special you are to us.
Bretherton Teaching team past and present.
Liverpool Cup - Winner Bretherton Endowed, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 23rd Apr 2023 @ 9:53pm
A FANTASTIC effort by Year 6 boys in the WLSP LIverpool Cup. They won last week against many other WLSP schools and now will play in the finals representing WLSP at Anfield. Great achievement and grateful to Mr Berry and Mr Bee for their support.
Congratulations to Class 2 WLSP virtual dance competition, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 23rd Apr 2023 @ 9:50pm
Good work by class 2 in coming 2nd in the WLSP virtual dance competition.
Take a look at their brilliant efforts on our gallery page https://www.brethertonschool.org.uk/work/virtual-dance-competition-march-2023-class-2/81481
Newsletter 21 4 23, by Mrs Mitchell
Date: 21st Apr 2023 @ 2:36pm
Thank you for reading our newsletter.
Celebrating the life of Tommy Wilson, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 9th Apr 2023 @ 12:32pm
Please see attached the notification of the funeral of Tommy Wilson.
Further details in our newsletter on our return to school after Easter.
Heat winners of the Last Choir Standing Competition - roll on the finals, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 28th Mar 2023 @ 9:45am
Well done choir for winning their heats at the Last Choir Standing Competition. They will perform at the finals on 16th June 2023.
Newsletter - 24.3.23, by Mrs Mitchell
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 10:14am
Thank you for reading our newsletter
Newsletter 10.3.23, by Mrs Mitchell
Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 11:46am
Thank you for reading our newsletter.
Congratulations to our Year 6, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 1st Mar 2023 @ 6:20pm
Congratulations to all our Year 6 who have been given their 1st choice for their High School Places in September. It's always a nervous time for parents but we are delighted that they have all got their first choice places.
We're not ready to let you leave just yet - we've too many memories to make with you first.
Newsletter - 24.2.23, by Mrs Mitchell
Date: 28th Feb 2023 @ 10:01am
Thank you for reading our newsletter
Website - impact of a server failure at School Spider, by Mrs Moxham
Date: 22nd Feb 2023 @ 10:55pm
Just wanted to let you know that the website service provider had a failure with their servers which has resulted in a loss of some of the content of our website. We have been advised that items added to our website since late January have been lost. Please bear with us while we audit this and add the content back on.
Many thanks
Newsletter 20.1.23, by Mrs Mitchell
Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 11:48am
Thank you for reading our Newsletter.
Newsletter 6.1.23, by Mrs Mitchell
Date: 6th Jan 2023 @ 2:46pm
Thank you for reading our newsletter.
Newsletter 16/12/22, by Mrs Mitchell
Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 2:42pm
Thank you for reading our Newsletter.
Newsletter 2.12.22, by Mrs Mitchell
Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 12:29pm
Thank you for reading our newsletter.
Newsletter 18.11.22, by Mrs Mitchell
Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 11:37am
Thank you for reading our Newsletter.