Our News items

World Faith Week next week, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 19th Jan 2018 @ 7:11pm

We are looking forward to world faith week next week. Along side our lessons, we will be learning about many of the 6 world faiths, including Christianity. We have a whole host of visitors coming in throughout the week, shareing their faith, customs and festivals with us.

We look forward to sharing these with you on Friday at our whole school assembly at 2.30.

See you then


World Faith Week next week, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 19th Jan 2018 @ 7:11pm

We are looking forward to world faith week next week. Along side our lessons, we will be learning about many of the 6 world faiths, including Christianity. We have a whole host of visitors coming in throughout the week, shareing their faith, customs and festivals with us.

We look forward to sharing these with you on Friday at our whole school assembly at 2.30.

See you then


Daily Mile, by Mrs Carlyon

Date: 9th Jan 2018 @ 1:53pm

Christmas party day lunch , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 21st Dec 2017 @ 12:01am

Great festive lunch. Thank you Jill for a great Christmas dinner and staff for serving the children. 

Great panto trip , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 20th Dec 2017 @ 11:55pm

Super whole school visit to the Winter Gardens for Peter Pan. The children were brilliant and really enjoyed the morning. Thank you for allowing us to take them and the PTFA for their subsidy of the coaches. 

Production, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 18th Dec 2017 @ 12:25am

What a fabulous production last week of 'Born in a Barn'. Great performances from all of Class 1 and 2; super costumes and singing that raised the roof!

Well done staff and children- thank you for sharing it with us.

2016 2017 Primary school league tables, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 15th Dec 2017 @ 11:25pm

The Lancashire Evening Post School comparison tables of Lancashire schools: HERE

The Department for Education results comparison site can be accessed HERE



Production, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 11th Dec 2017 @ 9:57pm

Our dress rehearsal starts at 2.00 Tuesday and our main productions are 2.00 and 6.00 Wednesday this week. Please bring your child back at 5.30 Wednesday. Doors only open at 5.30.

Tickets for our raffle will be on sale on Wednesday. Thank you for your participation. 

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Sad news, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 4th Dec 2017 @ 5:07pm

Your child has brought a letter home tonight with sad news about one of our parents. Please remember our door is always open.

Thank you for your donations , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 24th Nov 2017 @ 7:21pm

Thank you for your donations of chocolate and bottles. It was extremely generous of you and we are sure to have a great Christmas fair next week.

Non uniform day, by Mrs Smith

Date: 22nd Nov 2017 @ 1:36pm

Remember it's a non uniform day on Friday for bottles and chocolate fo our fantastic Christmas Fair.

Superb Online Safety Assembly Year 5 and 6, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 16th Nov 2017 @ 8:50pm

Thank you to Mrs Allchurch and Year 5 and 6 for their brilliant online safety assembly today built from a worshop that they had with PCSO Debra on how to stay safe online. Year 3 and 4 watched and learned about how important keeping your information safe is. I hope that you enjoy the assembly- it was brilliantly planeed and executed. Well Done Children

Lancashire Special Needs Service Ofsted feedback, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 16th Nov 2017 @ 12:46am

We have received this letter, which we have passed onto you for your information


Dear Sir/ Madam


RE: Joint Area SEND Inspection

A number of colleagues have asked how school staff, governors and parents can provide feedback to the inspection team if they are not meeting them face to face.

You can provide feedback via National.InspectionSupport@ofsted.gov.uk using the reference Lancashire SEND Local Area Inspection.

Jonathan Jones, the lead HMI inspection has confirmed that whilst you will not get a direct response all emails received before the close of business on Thursday 16th November will be considered by the team.


Yours sincerely

David Graham

Head of Service, Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Remembrance Day video, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 10th Nov 2017 @ 1:09am

If you were unable to attend our Remembrance Day worship on Thursday 9th November, please take a look at our Remembrance Day Gallery.


Mr Turner visit to school for Remembrance, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 7th Nov 2017 @ 9:16am

Thank you to Mr Turner for visiting our worship this morning and spending time with year 6 after for their topic on the war.

Tommy's special day, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 6th Nov 2017 @ 6:06pm

Thank you to everyone who dressed up for Tommy's 80 the birthday today. He was thrilled with everyone's efforts. 

The children were great at showing him how great he is and what he means to school.


Parents evening, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 6th Nov 2017 @ 6:04pm

A new orange parent evening form was sent with the correct times listed tonight. If you could return this to us by Wednesday, our teachers will arrange the exact appointment times and be able to return them to you by Friday.

Many thanks 

Rotary Shoe box appeal, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 3rd Nov 2017 @ 12:00am

Remember to collect an empty show box from the school office if you would like to donate items for teh Rotary Shoe Box appeal. The Ethos group will co ordinate the donations. Thank you for your support of this worthwhile cause.

Tommy's 80th Years young fancy dress celebration, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 3rd Nov 2017 @ 12:05am

Remember that you are all invited to come into school on Monday for Tommy's 80th Birthday celebration in school. We will be in fancy dress all day and share our birthday celebrations sharing lunch with him. It will be a special occasion and we are fortunate to be able to share it with each other. Tommy is a huge asset to school and our community and we hope that he has a special day.

Fruit Tuckshop, by Mrs Mitchell

Date: 23rd Oct 2017 @ 12:53pm

There will be a fruit and healthy tuckshop tomorrow run by the School Council. Items available from 25 pence or up to a pound.

Health and wellbeing week, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 23rd Oct 2017 @ 10:14am

What a great start- Sian started our week with a great introduction to how the heart works

Worship on Monday , by Mrs Moxham

Date: 20th Oct 2017 @ 2:26pm

On Monday Sian from Heartbeat will be leading our whole school worship to start our health and fitness week. She will be helping us understand about the heart and importance of keeping fit. 

We will still do birthdays but we may do a shorter certificate celebration. 

Year 6 visit to Chorley Borough Council, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 20th Oct 2017 @ 11:06am

Year 6 were invited to Chorley Borough Council for a morning of fun learning - from silent aerobics - staying safe - Ashley Hall history and how the council spends their budget - it was a great day and the class were a credit. 

In one activity the Police employees tried to trick the children into sharing personal information - football training was leaked- where and when before the children realised that this too was personal information. Great lesson learned. 

In a quick fire recycling quiz, they were great at considering the different factors that affect recycling. 

We found out about the plague in Chorley- Lewis was a great plague doctor. 

Year six were in charge of the council's budget and no surprise they chose to spend the lion share on football and recreation and only half the money on clearing bins!

Year 6 homework, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 19th Oct 2017 @ 12:26pm

Homework has been given out today for grammar and maths. 

Maths is looking at estimation. The concept is really important in year 6 so they can see whether their actual calculation ' looks right'. So this wee they are asked to find the right answer based on estimation.

For example 3.14 x 65.8 = If we needed to estimate we might calculate 3 x 60 or if we felt able may do 3 x 66

If we have 32 x 19 we may calculate 32 x 20 ( which is the same as 32 x 10 + 32 x 10)

I have offered children a homework workshop on Friday lunchtime if they need any additional support- anyone welcome.


Grammar is looking at verbs - those great ' doing ' words and I am confident they will find this consolidation easy. 2 pages rather than 3.

year 6 homework, by Mrs Moxham

Date: 19th Oct 2017 @ 12:26pm

Homework has been given out today for grammar and maths. 

Maths is looking at estimation. The concept is really important in year 6 so they can see whether their actual calculation ' looks right'. So this wee they are asked to find the right answer based on estimation.

For example 3.14 x 65.8 = If we needed to estimate we might calculate 3 x 60 or if we felt able may do 3 x 66

If we have 32 x 19 we may calculate 32 x 20 ( which is the same as 32 x 10 + 32 x 10)

I have offered children a homework workshop on Friday lunchtime if they need any additional support- anyone welcome.


Grammar is looking at verbs - those great ' doing ' words and I am confident they will find this consolidation easy. 2 pages rather than 3.

Contact the School

Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School

South Road,
PR26 9AH

Headteacher & SENDCO | Mrs A Moxham


School Office Contact:

Mrs Paula Carlyon (Bursar) | Mrs Chrissy Mitchell (Business Support Officer)


NB: All documentation is in PDF format and is downloadable, however, if you require paper copies, please contact the School Office Manager