Class 2: Blog items
Owl pellet dissection, by Mrs Clarke
Brilliant active fun, by Mrs Moxham
Brilliant bird cam footage, by Alison Moxham
Minibeast hunting, by Jayne Clarke
Class 2 egg rolling, by Mrs Clarke
Fabulous Easter gardens, by Mrs Moxham
Easter is here, by Mrs Moxham
Class 2 Nature Art, by Miss Hymers
Enjoying the sunny weather with friends, by Mrs Clarke
Learning about communion with Rev’d Phil, by Mrs Clarke
Easter treasure hunt, by Mrs Clarke
Maths 3D shape, by Mrs Clarke
Class 2- Deadly 60 Predator fact file, by Mrs Clarke
Red Nose Day Laugh out Loud video, by Mrs Clarke
Researching predators, by Mrs Clarke
Fossil hunting in class 2, by Mrs Clarke
Christmas Lunch - Class 2, by Mrs Brindle
Christmas Party Games in Class 2, by Mrs Brindle
Santa visit to Class 2, by Mrs Brindle
Bedtime story night, by Mrs Clarke
Superb snowmen ready for Bretherton Advent journey, by Mrs Moxham
An eventful playtime, by Mrs Clarke
Class 2 decorations, by Mrs Clarke