Class 2: Blog items
Rogan Mills’ inspirational visit to Class 2, by Mrs Brindle
NSPCC assembly - follow up in class 2, by Mrs Clarke
Class 2 remember, by Mrs Clarke
Map drawing, by Mrs Clarke
Trikids Fun, by Mrs Glew
Pumpkins of thankfulness, by Mrs Clarke
Walk in the area, by Mrs Clarke
Following instructions, by Mrs Clarke
Role play, by Mrs Clarke
Model village of Bretherton, by Mrs Clarke
Visit from Tommy Wilson, by Mrs Clarke
Year 2 day, by Mrs Clarke
Year 3 artwork, by Mrs Clarke
Thanks for homework linked to my stories, by Mrs Moxham
Science: magnetic maze, by Mrs Clarke
RE with Reverend Tony , by Mrs Clarke
Maths - Right angles, by Mrs Clarke
PE Invasion games, by Mrs Clarke
Science - carrying out a fair test, by Mrs Clarke
Science - investigating forces , by Mrs Clarke
Volcanic eruptions, by Mrs Clarke
Class 2 Science and ICT, by Mrs Brindle
Science-investigating rocks, by Mrs Clarke
ICT internet safety presentation, by Mrs Smith
Maths-measuring , by Mrs Clarke