Class 2: Blog items

Enjoying the run, by Mrs Clarke

Class 2 English poetry, by Mrs Di Franco

Class 2 DT Beat Band Boogie!, by Mrs Di Franco

Class 2 P.E First day back!, by Mrs Di Franco

Christmas lunch day, by Mrs Moxham

Class 2 Party day, by Mrs Di Franco

Class 2 investigate soil, by Mrs Di Franco

Class 2 Explore Rocks, by Mrs Di Franco

Class 2 flower drawings, by Miss Hymers

Class 2 Exploring herbs ?, by Mrs Brindle

A visit from the farm, by Mrs Clarke

Drama theatre workshop fun!, by Miss Hymers

Releasing the butterflies, by Mrs Clarke

Butterflies, by Mrs Clarke

Minibeast life cycles, by Mrs Clarke

Tasa Tri golf., by Mrs Allchurch

Our little visitor, by Mrs Clarke

3D shape, by Mrs Clarke

Honey, honey, honey!, by Mrs Clarke

Class 2 Super Bug Homes, by Miss Hymers

Contact the School

Bretherton Endowed CE Primary School

South Road,
PR26 9AH

Headteacher & SENDCO | Mrs A Moxham

School Office Contact:

Mrs Paula Carlyon (Bursar) | Mrs Chrissy Mitchell (Business Support Officer)

NB: All documentation is in PDF format and is downloadable, however, if you require paper copies, please contact the School Office Manager