Class 2: Blog items
Learning about Eucharist in class 2, by Mrs Clarke
Easter Bingo fun, by Mrs Moxham
Fun lunchtimes , by Mrs Moxham
Save our seas, by Mrs Clarke
Class 4 and year 3 join together to decide on the winning Mocktail to be served at Easter Bingo, by Mrs Smith
Persuasive leaflets, by Mrs Clarke
Sketching, by Mrs Clarke
Class 2 Design & Technology , by Miss Hymers
Reading for pleasure, by Mrs Clarke
Red Nose Day, by Mrs Clarke
A busy morning baking, by Mrs Clarke
Measuring capacity, by Mrs Clarke
Sharing stories, by Mrs Clarke
World book day in class 2, by Mrs Clarke
Class 2 Enjoying delicious pancakes! , by Mrs Brindle
Class 2 Design and Technology , by Miss Hymers
Freeze frames, by Mrs Clarke
Class 2 using Maths Shed for the first time! , by Mrs Brindle
The story of the blind man, by Mrs Clarke
Design & Technology Wheels and Axles, by Miss Hymers
Superb science club ks1 and year 3, by Mrs Moxham
National Storytelling Week, by Mrs Clarke
Science club videos, by Mrs Moxham
Amazing science club, by Mrs Moxham
Amazing science club, by Mrs Moxham