Class 3: Blog items
Contour work in Geography, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3D rivers-wow!, by Mrs Allchurch
Super golf sessions with Mere Brow golf academy, by Mrs Moxham
Making 3D river models, by Mrs Allchurch
Brilliant golf lesson, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 Party games, by Mrs Moxham
Great Christmas card designs Class 3, by Mrs Moxham
Christmas lunch day, by Mrs Moxham
Brilliant computing in Class 3, by Mrs Moxham
Class 3 RE - Trying Christmas foods from around the World, by Miss Hymers
Class 3 Christmas cards to the elderly, by Mrs Moxham
Amazing Design Technology- modelling our wearable digestive systems, by Mrs Allchurch
Designing and making wearable digestive systems., by Mrs Allchurch
Real life digestive systems, by Mrs Allchurch
Cricket skills, by Mrs Allchurch
Working together in ICT, by Miss Hymers
How do our kidneys help us?, by Mrs Allchurch
Well done in French, by Mrs Allchurch
Positive affirmations, by Mrs Allchurch
Brilliant science investigations @ starting digestion in their mouths, by Mrs Allchurch
Investigating tooth decay, by Mrs Allchurch
Art - Super Sketching in Class 3, by Miss Hymers
Great basketball skills in class 3, by Mrs Moxham
Art using pastels., by Mrs Allchurch
Meeting our buddies, by Mrs Allchurch