Class 3: Blog items
Class 3 Science- Reversible Changes, by Mrs Allchurch
Easter egg rolling fun, by Mrs Allchurch
Henri Rousseau, by Mrs Allchurch
Investigative Science. Levers and Gears, by Mrs Allchurch
Superb Art from Class 3, by Miss Hymers
Class 3 worship, by Mrs Clarke
A wonderful start to Faith Week, by Mrs Allchurch
Christmas Dinner, by Mrs Allchurch
Christmas party., by Mrs Allchurch
Father Christmas, by Mrs Allchurch
Christmas crafting in Class 3, by Mrs Allchurch
Design Technology- Our Light up Christmas Pictures, by Mrs Allchurch
Learning important messages in our Fairtrade worship, by Mrs Allchurch
Remembrance Art, by Miss Hymers
Class 3 PSHE- Peer Massage, by Mrs Allchurch
Investigating how circuits work in Science, by Mrs Allchurch
Banksy inspired Remembrance Display, by Miss Hymers
WLSP composite relay event, by Mrs Clarke
Design Technology- levers and linkages- the making stage., by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 Design Technology- Levers and Linkages, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 History- dying clothes naturally the Viking way., by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 textiles- Viking weaving, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 Prayer Tree - RE, by Miss Hymers
Writing for an audience- Class 3 share their Tarbeach stories., by Mrs Allchurch
Practical Science- creating cold blooded animals out of clay., by Mrs Allchurch