Class 3: Blog items
Amazing day for our Y5 & 6 Equality Ambassadors at the Lancashire Primary Fairtrade Conference at County Hall-Preston., by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 make a fabulous start to their Peter Thorpe art unit., by Mrs Allchurch
Brilliant orienteering in the snow!, by Mrs Allchurch
Wonderfully creative Art from Class 3, by Miss Hymers
PSHE Protected Characteristics, by Mrs Allchurch
Celebrating Diwali with Bollywood Dancing, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 Remembrance, by Mrs Allchurch
Design and Technology-textiles, by Mrs Allchurch
Our Lowry inspired class picture, by Mrs Allchurch
Black History Month - Art in the style of Lubaina Himid, by Miss Hymers
More photos from Quarry Bank Mill, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 Art - superb charcoal, pencil and graphite sketches, by Miss Hymers
Effective painting techniques in Class 3, by Mrs Allchurch
Amazing Coding with Mr Hulme from Hutton Grammar, by Mrs Allchurch
Year Five meet their buddies., by Mrs Allchurch
Practical apparatus to help embed our learning in maths., by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 Athletics, by Mrs Allchurch
A great start in Class 3, by Mrs Allchurch
Fantastic day with our , by Mrs Allchurch
ArtsMark - Wonderful Matisse inspiration in Class 3, by Miss Hymers
Careers and Enterprise Week Visit to GA Foods, by Miss Hymers
Tri-Golf, by Mrs Clarke
Fabulous Food technology, by Mrs Allchurch
Design FoodTechnology-A scone fit for the Coronation. Taste analysis, by Mrs Allchurch