Class 3: Blog items
Class 3 learning all about the Feudal System today, by Miss Hymers
Cornerstones Topics- 1066-Embroidery- Creating our own Bayeux Tapestry, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 PSHE- our Class Charter, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 PSHE- Who am I?, by Mrs Allchurch
Maths- getting to grips with negative numbers., by Mrs Allchurch
Cornerstones topic- 1066! Who should claim the throne?, by Mrs Allchurch
Jigsaw PSHE- Being me in my world, by Mrs Allchurch
Active English outside- Fronted adverbials in the sunshine!, by Mrs Allchurch
Letters to Croston Park Nursing Home, by Mrs Moxham
Lovely to see Year 5, by Mrs Allchurch
Lovely to see Year 4., by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 Portraits., by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 Video Messages- We miss you!, by Mrs Allchurch
Thanks for homework linked to my stories, by Mrs Moxham
El Salvador Crosses- Class 3's Home learning, by Mrs Allchurch
The geography of Italy out of Playdoh, by Mrs Allchurch
Bikeability Day 1, by Mrs Allchurch
Sport Relief in Class 3., by Mrs Allchurch
David Williams inspires us in English, by Mrs Allchurch
Authors, active storytelling and amazing potato characters. Class 3 loved World Book Day!, by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 having fun, keeping fit and counting those steps! A great fundraising effort. , by Mrs Allchurch
Class 3 Brass Lesson, by Mrs Brindle
Special visitors to class 3 , by Mrs Vincent
Class 3 science, by Mrs Vincent
Reporters interview with the den buliders., by Mrs Smith