Class 4: Blog items
TABLE TENNIS 🏓 success !, by Mrs Smith
PE. Class 4 having fun keeping fit whilst raising funds for school. Please start collecting your sponsor money!, by Mrs Smith
RE: Class 4 have been learning about and giving their respect to people of faith who are persecuted., by Mrs Smith
Science-Ben and Charlotte’s exciting visit to Tarleton High School , by Mrs Brindle
ICT internet safety presentation, by Mrs Smith
Year 6 Road Safety Talk by Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, by Mrs Brindle
Public speaking competition , by Mrs Smith
Gymnastics , by Mrs Smith
Debt Aware session for Class 4, by Mrs Smith
Sportshall Athletics, by Mrs Glew
science: Super scientists in year 6, by Mrs Moxham
Gymnastics, by Mrs Smith
Good news - Class 4 have been evacuated to safety!, by Mrs Smith
Father Christmas, by Mrs Smith
Experience Christmas , by Mrs Smith
Class 4 thank Tarleton High school for their kind invitation to watch their impressive production of Goodnight Mr Tom, by Mrs Smith
Class 4 lead worship , by Mrs Smith
Yoga with Mrs Glew, by Mrs Smith
Christmas has arrived in Class 4, by Mrs Smith
Thank you Rania for a very special show and tell,, by Mrs Smith